Thursday 27 December 2018


My First Time visiting the Land Down Under

It's my first time visiting Australia and I would have to say I had mixed feelings about the whole experience. My dad used to study in Sydney back in the 70's, but I just don't know why he was never interested to bring the whole family for a vacation to Australia when he has brought us to visit so many countries as far as the United States to enjoy Disneyland in Los Angeles.

Why I said mixed feelings was because I never really thought it was going to be quite hard to get here. You see, it was my first time ever visiting Australia and I have decided to join my best friend's family on their family trip. There was 8 of us adults and 3 children. Of course, we had to apply Australian Tourist Visa to enter the country, and I, along with my friend, and her extended family which consists of her mom, dad, sister, brother, and sister in law as well as the children (9 in total) was granted the VISA right away after application, EXCEPT for just one person, her brother in-law. His VISA was rejected just like that. 

We were cracking our heads trying to figure out why his VISA got rejected. He's a school teacher, in his early 30s, had no bad records whatsoever, married to my friend's younger sister who's an executive in Sunway college, and a father of two lovely young children.

I was so confident that it was a mistake that I'm sure he will get through the first appeal. I was wrong. His VISA was rejected 3 times. The third time was the most heart wrenching. They simply rejected the VISA right after the last day of our trip with the reason, "there's no point of approving the VISA since the date of your vacation has already expired".

Come on Australia? How could you do this to a person who's never been out of his country all his life? He just wanted to see Perth, have a great holiday with his wife and kids, and his whole family, and you simply rejected his VISA application? The first round with reason being the insufficient information of his bank account and source of income?

I don't get it, he wrote an appeal letter explaining the situation, how he needs to join the trip so that the children will have their father around at a foreign country for the first time and his wife was like 3 months pregnant at that time so imagine the pressure she might be under without her husband around???? Just because you're in-secured of the foreign people coming into your country to permanently stay and work, doesn't mean that other people are also that DESPERATE! How could you not see the picture?? We're a HUGE family going on a vacation!!!! Is it nonsense if we all go back without him???? Why would he leave his job as a teacher, his wife and kids and remain in Perth???? To do what kind of job? The illegal jobs you were so worried about????

I am venting as I typed this and though a month had passed since this tragedy, I am still bitten by the tragic incident. It really taught me a lesson that not every country welcomes you. Not all country wants to share what they have with you. One of them is Australia.

So there you go, my first time ever coming to Australia, and that's what happened. And that, my friends, was only the hors d'oeuvre.... wait till I get to the entrée...

So our flight was smooth through Air Asia. We bought Promo tickets so it was cheap, just about RM900 for a return ticket. Our plane landed in Perth Airport early morning and we waited for the Homestay people to come and pick us up with the cars we rented and get us to the homestay. I'd have to say at first glance it was quite frightening. The house looked quite old just like in the 60's films... (turned out the house was built in 1956, I googled the address) oh yeah and it was quite creepy. It has this Night Shyamalan Sixth Sense aura due to the furnishings. The house had four large bedrooms, one bathroom and one separate toilet. That's quite a downside since we have like three bathrooms for a standard house like this back in Malaysia. The air was cool when we arrived, perhaps because it was early morning. 

Soon as we got to the house, we unpacked the food luggage first, because everyone was already starving. We brought so many types of food from home which by the way, I had made a list of all the items in advance and it was my list that eventually saved us at the custom check out. It was all different with the customs in Australia. Seems to me that they are very strict about anything and eveything that concerns the items that enters their country. Could be something about preserving their agriculture. Hence, the very detailed declaration form that we had to fill up in the airplane beforehand. The form itself was overwhelming. Should I tick YES or NO... if unsure tick YES and most questions are asking whether or not did you bring milk.... (fresh milk or formula?) grains.... (so do we need to say yes if we brought RICE?) so obviously we ticked YES mostly and thus we had to go to a special corner where the interrogation goes further. They'll ask, did you bring cigarettes? Is it more than 3 packs? and then it the normal white rice or brown rice? Did you guys bring anything down from the plane...? No, we did not, the pilot warned us not to do so repeatedly in the flight... OKAY, may pass. Welcome to PERTH! And passed that customs checking, is the immigration point...and that's when don't nobody go playing with their phone. It's the most crucial step. Three girls queuing in front of me got stopped. They took one of the girl's phone and checked it. They stopped us, me and my friend. Asked us some how long are you going to stay? Where do you wanna go? What are you going to do? all of these questions while taking our thumbprints..three of our fingers and that included both of my middle fingers which I apologetically gave when the immigration officer asked for it. Sorry I said and chuckled. The officer laughed and said..that's're the first ever to apologize.... *LOLS*

Answer them calmly because you have nothing to be afraid of. You are coming here to have a great holiday because your boss approved your 6 days leave and you only have 16 days of leaves per year from your company. You work in your own country, at a company that pays your salary every 25th of the month and that's where the money came from for this PERTH holiday.... and it's not a small amount...I spent about almost a year saving bits of that salary so that I could see Kangaroo, Koalas for the first time...see for myself this amazing Australia that so many people talked about especially Malaysians...a country where even the low income Malaysian can afford to set foot can come even if you don't know how to speak English because you booked a tour package from Malaysia and that include a tourist guide who could speak bahasa melayu and bring you to Malaysian restaurants.... there are millions of them... SO, why should you be afraid? You are not gonna overstay because you don't need to stay here in Australia like those desperate apple picker that gave a bad name to our country and also made it impossible for someone like my friend's brother in law to obtain a tourist VISA.

There is nothing to be afraid of... because I have a proper job in my own country. I am not a fruit-picker in my country. I work in a proper company that has a proper office, with my own proper cubicle and civilized friends and environment. I would not leave everything at my own country to be a fruit picker in your country. I have credit card bills to pay... my car still have a year of loan to pay and my parents....why would I leave without them? 


So we rented a house at Lawrence Street... It was a classic house built in 1956... It has four large rooms and one toilet. The kitchen is complete with a proper stove top, microwave, fridge and what not. Since we arrived early morning many were exhausted so we decided to just go to Coles to do some groceries, as well as the nearest halal butchery to get our halal chicken. We also visited the King's Park and Blue boat house. The view was breathtaking.

119, Lawrence Street, Bedford
My room.. check out the Twilight duvet hahaha

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A corner in the house that we rarely used because the TV's not working...actually this part of the house felt eerie because the sofa looked so 60s and there's a very old set of dinner chairs hidden in the corner. That TV is not functioning.
Our house for the next 7 days and 6 nights.. This is the family area and we spent most of our time here..

A Totally Breathtaking view of Perth City  from King's Park


The Sun was just about right

A giant Christmas tree perhaps?

 One with the tree

 Green and Blue....both are my favorite colors

Love at first sight

Blue Boat house is right in front
If I had not come here, I would not have known that to get to this pretty blue boat house, I had to cross a busy road with fast moving cars..hahaha 

Friday 14 September 2018



Last February 14th, Mi pergi Holiday dekat Jakarta & Bandung. MAS buat promo so ticket pergi balik kami ke Jakarta less than RM300. Kami ke Bandung pulak naik train dari Jakarta. Memang satu pengalaman baru yang sungguh menarik, sebab sebelum ni pernah pergi ke Bandung direct naik flight aje. Ni first time Mi pergi Jakarta and second time ke Bandung. Selain tu, Mi pernah pergi Bali, way back in 2015. Masa tu belum ada lagi blog ni.. tapi Mi nak jugak buat entry tu bila ada kesempatan nanti.

So our flight to Jakarta masa ni pada waktu pagi, and kami arrive di Jakarta dalam tengahari. Mi paling suka naik MAS, why? sebab makan ada, luggage pun dapat banyak KG. kalau MAS buat promo, I takkan lepaskan peluang!

Bergambar dengan plane yang kami naiki

Mi pilih nasi lemak la ofcourse. Breakfast kan :P

nasi lemak nya ok dan mengenyangkan. ada rendang ayam. minuman pulak boleh order juice, coffee or tea.

dah sampai Jakarta..

Setibanya di Soekarno–Hatta International Airport, kami terus ambil beg, pergi ke kedai yang jual simcard dan beli nombor Indonesia. Mi buat camtu sebab nak mudah dapatkan mobil data so boleh guna perkhidmatan Apps macam Grab or Uber. Kat sini rupanya ada macam-macam. GOJEK pun ada. Nak naik motor pun ada macam Grab bike. Dorang lagi canggih guna Apps2 ni semua pun dorang guna Apps je. Nak beli souvenir pun guna khidmat macam food panda tuh. Tapi dari Airport kami ambil teksi airport je sebab hari yang kami pergi tu ada MOGOK terbesar Grab & Uber dekat Jakarta tu. So jalan banyak ditutup dan macet kata orang di kaunter Grab airport. Kami pun naik cab sampai ke hotel kami.

bilik kecil tapi selesa

Our first hotel terletak di tengah-tengah bandar Jakarta, berdekatan dengan Stesen Gambir. Kami purposely pilih hotel ni sebab nak senang ke stesen keesokan hari untuk bertolak ke Bandung. Hotel ni namanya Fuxion Inn. Dalam RM69 satu malam. Kat bawah ada pub yang ada Live band. And honestly live band nya best sekali. Sempat la minum kopi kat bawah sambil enjoy beberapa lagu.

kamar kecil tapi cukup selesa. Aircond macam peti sejuk.

Hari pertama ni agak tragis sikit. Kenapa? sebab kami plan nak jalan-jalan tengok attractions berdekatan. Unfortunately jalan MACET sebab DEMONSTRASI Grab dan Uber tu lah. Kami nak ke Stesen Gambir untuk check in ticket train ke Bandung esok plus nak ronda-ronda kawasan stesen tu supaya tak blur cari esok. Last-last kami stuck kat stesen tu sebab Grab atau Uber semua taknak pick us up kat situ since Stesen Gambir tu memang kat centre tempat dorang berdemonstrasi tuh. Last-last dah malam cikit dalam pukul 9 camtu baru ada Grab. Kami pun terus balik hotel, dinner je Ayam goreng CFC yang tapau kat stesen tu and then rest dan tido. Oh ya..sedap la CFC ni logo dia macam KFC tapi CFC... katanya California Fried Chicken... tapi sedap ayam tu Mi rasa lagi sedap dari KFC. Heehehe...


Bangun pagi je kami terus bersiap untuk ke Gambir dengan menaiki Uber. Sampai kat Gambir, kami breakfast dulu dekat restoran Bugis katanya. Mi makan bebek goreng and nasi..fuh awal pagi da makan camtu for breakfast. Rasanya sedap enak lazat memukau. Kenapa la susah sangat nak jumpa Bebek goreng kat Malaysia nih...goshhh..I'm so in love with Indonesian food!

telur ayam kampung separuh masak

bebek goreng!!!!

permandangan dalam train

Spanjang perjalananku memang ini saja permandangannya...hijau hijau dan hijau

Our journey took about 3 hours if I can still remember, if not, I'm sorry..hahaha...perginya bulan February...dah bulan September baru nak create entry. Sampai je kami terus menuju ke hotel dengan menaiki Uber. Kami pergi makan dulu sebab bilik belum ready since check in time pukul 3pm. Mi ambil kesempatan untuk pergi lagi ke restoran yang menggamit beribu kenangan masa Mi pergi Bandung tahun 2010, DAKKEN cafe... harga berpatutan, makanan pun sedap, suasana cafe pun cantik. Sesape pergi Bandung, try la :)

fish nuggets dia macam fish and chips...the fries is amazing!

my gigantic beef lasagna.... excellent!

yeah that's the name of the restaurant yawls.

Our room in Bandung, kami stay kat The Summit Siliwangi Hotel. Walking distance to Factory Outlets such as Heritage, The Secret and many more.
Walaupun hotel kami dikelilingi FO's, tapi Mi banyak gunakan uber dan grab untuk shopping sebab jauh sikit. Destinasi shopping pertama was D'Fashion. Kawan ofis Mi yang rekemen tempat ni sebab katanya everything in one shop. So Mi beli semua kiriman mama dan adik-adik kat sini. Banyak borong kain lace sebab murah. Layanan pun tip top kat sini.

ni la dua adik yang baikhati layan Mi sampai tolong posing posing kain masa Facetime dengan mama. Dorang siap rekemen matching dengan apa semua memang dorang layan sampai balik so Mi bagi dorang tips sorang RM10 sebab I was so happy!

Ni la borongan separuh tu mama punya sorang je...

Lepas shopping kain kami terus balik hotel. Malam tu kami dinner maggi cup je kat bilik sebab esok nak bangun pagi. Kami dah ada Pak Supir special family friend yang akan bawak jalan-jalan satu Bandung esok.


Supir kami sampai awal pagi dah tunggu depan hotel, so kami pun gerak ke semua destinasi yang dah plan out dengan supir. Mi memang tak dapat nak tulis kecantikan Farmhouse, Hobbiton dan Dusun Bambu tu semua jadi biarla gambar dan caption sahaja yang berbicara...

Di entrance Farmhouse. Beli tiket dapat susu free, Mi pilih susu coklat..yep..sedap!

macam kat N SEOUL Tower tu kan..

cantik la

dengan ikan koi yang jinak

banyak replika rumah macam ni

sedap mini croissant ni...

Mi dapat menikmati permandangan yang Mi nampak masa naik train otw datang sini

cantik kan

termenung lama kat sini..suhu pun sejuk ala ala Genting

bila la benda camni nak ada kat Malaysia....come on Cameron Highlands!

obviously I'm not a hobbit size


I made it to this place!

The most instagram-worthy place

buat apa tu?

dalam souvenir shop

anak lembu yang comey. bau dia je tak comey

mbekkkkkk...mau apa mbaaaakkk?

Setelah bersukaria selama 2 jam dalam tu kami pun keluar untuk ke destinasi seterusnya...

banyak nya bambu..tempat ni macam banyak chinese decor element

kids playground dia ada bunnies roaming free

Isn't it lovely???

tak berani nak duk kat hammock tu takut koyak

ni kami makan siomay ke apa ntah namanya..sedap!

Kami tak lama dalam dusun bambu tu sebab baru teringat nak kena pergi Pasar Baru dengan Rumah Mode lagi. Mama kirim telekung la kebaya la... so kami terus ke Rumah Mode...Kat Rumah Mode tak shopping sangat sebab takda yang berkenan plus harga agak mahal pulak this time...

tempat yang wajib posing kalau ke Rumah Mode

kami makan tengahari lewat petang di Rumah Makan Sederhana bersebelahan Rumah Mode. Murah weyyyyy...tak sama macam makan kat branch Malaysia yang harga cekik darah. Sape setuju branch dia yang kat PJ tu harga maut sangat. Makan nasi lauk jengkol dengan ayam goreng pun RM32 sebab Sirap ais dia RM5!!!!! kat sini kami makan dua orang baru RM60 lauk banyak camtu.

Mi tak ingat nama kedai perfume ni tapi dia yang femes kat Bandung utk generic perfume tapi bau memang macam ASLI. 

Destinasi penutup hari kami ialah Pasar Baru. Kat situ Mi beli telekung mama, Baju kebaya sulam, kain batik dan kerepek-kerepek. Kami mampu beli semua kiriman sebab abang supir ada adik angkat dia yang otai kat pasar baru tu, so dia terus bawak kami ke kedai yang ada barang yang kami nak beli. So takdelah melilau kat pasar baru yang tersangat busy dan bertingkat-tingkat tu. Cuma Mi terkedu sedikit dengan harga Pasar Baru sekarang. Dulu Mi pergi murah waktu tahun 2010 tu. Sekarang ni taktaula mungkin dorang ingat orang Malaysia ni semua beli sebab nak menjual balik agaknya...padahal kita beli untuk diri sendiri. Pastu kami pun balik hotel dan berperang untuk masukkan semua borongan ke dalam beg. Fuhh nasib baik la muat ya tuan tuan dan puan puan. Malam tu kami jalan sendiri jugak pergi The Secret. Mi beli blouse untuk kakak dan baju batik untuk papa kat situ. Lagi lawa dari Pasar Baru..hehe


Kami naik train pagi balik ke Jakarta... sampai je terus check in di hotel POP! Bandung. Hotel ni best cam fun-fun gitew..biliknya kecil dan sempit namun still selesa. Ada banyak kedai-kedai berdekatan.

omey kan otel ni..murah je per night tak sampai RM80
Permandangan dari bilik hotel
ni permandangan waktu balik. Mi suka tengok terrace padi field tu..cantik...only in Indonesia.
So, lepas dah check in hotel, kami pun bersiap-siap nak keluar jalan-jalan Jakarta. Memula ingat nak pergi monumen dan sebagainya, tapi cuaca hujan so kami decided to just visit the shopping mall in Jakarta. Mi memang terpegun dengan mall-mall besar yang ada di bandar Jakarta ni, contohnya macam The Grand Indonesia Mall dan Galeries Lafayette. Dahsyat tau dorang ni, Malaysia pun tak mampu nak ada Galeries Lafayette... *facepalm*
Mi macam biasa la mesti kena singgah Hard Rock Shop so kami pun ke Hard Rock Jakarta. Dapat borong T-shirt sehelai terus rasa dah puas hati.. hahaha

Misi mencari baju Hard Rock Jakarta!

Hard Rock Cafe Jakarta

Grand Indonesia Mall

Taktau bangunan apa ni dekat Bandar Jakarta

Tak sempat nak rasa ni masa pergi Korea haritu, So sis cuba branch Jakarta punya..

Sedap..rasa masam manis pedas dan berkrim..nasi beriani dengan kebab cincang dan roti

Kawan Mi makan Soto Madura ni dia nak cuba katanya...pastu dia sedih sebab tak sedap sangat katanya...

Mi Jumpa kedai Ice Cream Dairy Queen so terus order Blizzard!

The little Things She Needs ni kedai kasut favorit Mi Jenama Indonesia...tapi kali ni takda pattern yang Mi berkenan, so tak beli...

After visiting Malls yang mereka panggil di Zon-zon orang kaya ni..kami pun pulang ke hotel untuk rest dan tido...esok adalah misi mencari restoran Coto Makassar sebab katanya di Jakarta ada restoran Bugis.


Misi mencari Coto kami haritu agak tragis sebab kami cube jalan kaki, ternyata memang kesilapan teknik yang terbesar sebab susah woo nak cari. Kawan Mi kata ada pasar pagi yang femes kat Jakarta ni so boleh la try cari kat situ kalau ada. Cari-cari tak jumpa. Pasar tu kat mana pun kami tak sure. Naik Bajai, Bajai tu hantar entah mana mana. Mi pun terus la google. Katanya ada satu gerai Coto dalam Mall Kelapa Gading ni... kami pusing kat food court dan kat semua kedai makan, siap tanya lagi ada tak Coto..semua pun macam muka pelik and cakap tak ada. Mi tak terkejut kalau ada rakyat Indonesia yang tak tau Coto tu apa...sebab ini makanan orang Bugis Makassar. Sambil tu sempat jugak usha-usha barang-barang dekat mall Kelapa Gading tu ada Matahari Deparmental Store....something like Parkson la...lawanya baju-baju dia....geram Mi tak sempat nak beli..nanti  kalau ke Jakarta lagi...Mi rasa nak pergi mall-mall macam ni la...sebab lagi boleh relate. Mall Kelapa Gading ni macam Paradigm atau Subang Parade kalau di Malaysia. The Grand Indonesia Mall pulak macam lebih kepada KLCC atau Pavilion.

Kami jem sangat otak nak cari Coto sampai kami tahan benda ni...hahaha namanya bajai. macam motor yang dipasang body jadi kereta.

Mall Kelapa Gading

Akhirnya, Mi decide untuk order Grab je dan cuba cari restoran Coto dekat location search dalam Apps tu. Mi pun ternampak Kedai NKRI tu. Nampak tak jauh sangat. Bersyukurnya kami kedai ni memang wujud. Kami pun terus bantai Coto Makassar sorang dua mangkuk. Fuhh rasanya memang sedap gila! 

Pertama kali Mi rasa Coto ni, kawan lama yang perkenalkan. Saint Wilsey Hagen a.k.a Santi namanya. Ibu bapanya jual coto ni di Sandakan, Sabah. Mereka orang Bugis dari Sulawesi. Oleh kerana sedap sangat coto ni dan memang tak ada jual di semenanjung, Mi pun belajar la cara memasaknya dari Saint Wilsey supaya Mi boleh masak sendiri sekiranya teringin...

Ada macam-macam lagi makanan khas Bugi contohnya macam Pisang Ijo (dessert pisang)... Ikan Pallumara (macam masak singgang)dan Kopi Toraja...Kopi khas Bugis

Coto ni sejenis makanan yang ala-ala soto cuma dimakan dengan ketupat nasi atau Buras (Lepat nasi). Beza kuahnya dengan soto biasa ialah coto ni menggunakan air rebusan daging dan perut serta urat dan organ organ lembu. Air rebusan tu kemudian dicampur dengan bumbunya macam bawang, lengkuas, serai, halia dan rempah-rempah sup. Kemudian kuah tu dicampur dengan kacang tanah yang digoreng dan diblend (so jadi macam susu kacang tanah). Coto tu kemudian dihidang dengan daging dan organ organ yang direbus tadi. Sambal coto yang pedas memukau juga harus ada untuk lengkapkan hidangan ni. Kalau nak tau lebih banyak tentang coto ni, silalah google.

nampak tak pelbagai organ dalam sudu tu. ada daging, urat, hati, limpa..yummmmmm

Thamrin City Mall ni sangat-sangat besar. Macam kenanga mall dua kali. kalau area batik, semua batik je dijual kat situ. Kalau bahagian telekung, telekung aja. Blouse nya cantik-cantik, harga berpatutan. Sehari memang tak puas dok kat sini.

Mi ke Thamrin City Mall selepas tu untuk cari baju batik dan blouse-blouse. Thamrin City Mall ni macam Kenanga Mall...ala-ala borong gitu. Dalamnya ada Hypermart juga...Mi sesaje jalan-jalan tengok suasana Hypermart ni..kalau kat Malaysia dia macam Aeon Big tu la..tak pun Giant atau Mydin atau Tesco. Lepas dah puas perabih duit kami pun lepaskan rindu kat Lotte Shrimp Burger sebab ada restoran Lotteria kat dalam Thamrin Mall tuh. First time Mi makan Shrimp Burger kat Lotteria Seoul. Boleh tengok kat post Mi masa bercuti di Korea.

Hypermart at Thamrin City Mall - Mi suka visit supermarket negara asing...sambil tu beli teh dorang

kegemaran rakyat Indonesia..siap jual dalam pack

Takyah jauh-jauh gi Korea, dekat sebelah Thamrin ni ada Lotteria

Kami lepaskan rindu ni

Rasa Shrimp burger nya sama macam yang makan kat Korea..syahdu rasanya..haha


Flight pulang kami dalam pukul 5 petang camtu, jadi kami pun checkout macam biasa jam 12, lepak-lepak dulu di lobby hotel dan gerak ke airport dalam pukul 2 petang. Kami lunch dulu di A&W airport Soekarno Hatta... Rasa sayu pulak sebab holiday dah habis dan time to face reality...

Masa ni tengah promo sukan 18th Asian Games Jakarta-Palembang..omey kan mascot dia
Airport dorang ada banyak kedai jual souvenir...tapi yang Mi musykil tu sebab kebanyakan souvenir macam dari negara Bali. Mi try jugak cari yang beridentitikaan Jakarta, tapi sipi sipi je ada souvenir Jakarta. Pelik betul..

makanan kami pada waktu pulang...Mi order nasi dengan lauk ayam gulai

Sambil makan sambil tengok movie..that's why I love MAS!

My friend makan mushroom noodles dia kata yuck. hahahaa she really hates airplane food
So that's all about out Journey to Indonesia. Pasni Mi ingat nak datang lagi maybe ke Bandung sekali lagi ataupun pergi Yogya pulak.....paling best, pergi ke Makassar terus untuk cuba COTO paling asli!

Apa-apa pun, I love Indonesia..... it's one of the best countries in my list for a holiday vacation. Kalau ada rezeki, pasni pergi Bandung lagi, Mi nak bawa mama dan adik-adik.

So bye bye see you again in my next destination this coming November and also January 2019!


Pada 27 January yang lalu, Mi pergi bercuti di Jepun di bahagian Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe dan Nara selama 9 hari 8 malam bersama tiga orang rakan ...